


Green Rupee

  • 2,00 € per month
  • approx. $2.18 per month

We are happy about your contribution and will keep you updated on what's happening with us. Thank you for your support! You can cancel easily every month.

Blue Rupee

  • 6,66 € per month
  • approx. $7.25 per month

The number of devilish support!

Here you get everything first in terms of information, merch, tickets, exclusive videos, and content that isn't available anywhere else. Also, you get access to our monthly Discord meeting. You may choose one free concert per year. You can cancel easily every month.

Violett Rupee

  • 25,00 € per month
  • approx. $27.22 per month

You are a true supporter of the nerdiest of shenanigans!

We are forever in your debt! As a Violet Rupee, in addition to the souls of our firstborn children and everything from the Blue Rupee, you will also receive every new piece of merchandise that comes into our shop and free admission to all concerts. Also, you will hear every new piece of music before release and your name will be displayed at the end of every new music video we create. You can cancel easily every month.

Birthday wishes from Basti

  • at least 10,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $10.89

Basti is the greatest voice imitator we know, and he will make a video for you with personalized birthday wishes for your loved ones in any style you wish!

Hero of Time cover poster 40x40 cm

  • at least 10,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $10.89
4 available

We have a few posters left of the great Hero of Time cover artwork done by Azrael Design! Get one of the last 4 posters for your collection. If you want them signed, let us know and we will all sign it for you!

Get our signed inflatable d20

  • 45,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $48.99
1 available

The famous inflatable d20 you probably know from our shows is up for grabs with all our signatures on it!

Private concert just for you!

  • 500,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $544.38

You want us to play at your wedding, funeral, birthday, your friend's birthday, in your living room, wherever you want, in nerdy costumes? Book a private concert in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, or Luxembourg (car rental and gas excluded) and we will play an unforgettable show for you.

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