Ulrich Kaon


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Ulrich Kaon's community.

Basic support

  • 4,00 € per month
  • approx. $4.34 per month

You will get access to all official released material here on getnext on a monthly basis via private links.

I'll empty my drawers and release material regularly - spanning a time frame from 1996 until today.

Level II support

  • 8,00 € per month
  • approx. $8.69 per month

You will get access to all officially released material here on getnext on a monthly basis via private links. I'll empty my drawers and release material regularly - spanning a time frame from 1996 until today.

In addition to that you will get alternative versions and demo versions and possibly some background information about the tracks and latest gossip about the artist.

Level III support

  • 15,00 € per month
  • approx. $16.29 per month

You will get access to all officially released material here on getnext on a monthly basis via private links. I'll empty my drawers and release material regularly - spanning a time frame from 1996 until today.

In addition to that you will get alternative versions and demo versions and possibly some background information about the tracks and latest gossip about the artist.

As a bonus you will get some confidential „behind the scenes“ access, track previews and information about tracks and projects that are still in the making.

G.A.S. relief - (gear acqusition syndrome) - some pocket money for gear upgrades and maintenance

  • at least 10,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $10.86

It's well known amongst musicians. "I need this new guitar." - "Hey, this XYZ compressor sounds awesome." - "Here's the ultimative delay plugin." etc. etc.

Luckily, I'm well equipped with analog and digital gear, but every once in a while I upgrade existing platforms, collections or plugins or dare to buy some additional gear/software.

If you want to add some "pocket money" to do so, I might finally be able to get me that killer Atari ST computer with 4 MB RAM ;-)

Encounters EP - 24 bit HD quality

  • 15,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $16.29

You will get access to the "latest, greatest" release of Feb 2024. The 4 tracks "Encounters EP" as HD 24 bit files.

This is by far my most ambitious project, recording not at home but in the "Famous Gold Watch" studio in Berlin, and hiring some guest musicians as well. The EP is less electronical, has a bit of an organic, edgy sound.

I still can remember times when it was a no-brainer to go to the record store and buy the latest release of an artist you liked, drag it home and play it for days and weeks in bliss. So consider supporting my project with a "fair trade" deal and drag home your virtual copy of my work in the best available sound quality.

Mastering a track - sponsorship

  • 50,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $54.30

Mastering is the art and craft of finalising a finished mix and make it sound great on all sorts of listening devices. I love to have Pete Maher (https://www.petemaher.com/) as my mastering engineer. He's worked with big names in the industry (e.g. U2, Depeche Mode, Pixies)), but he still has a heart and affordable rates for unsigned artists. If you want to support my production work directly, you can pick this option and you'll know where your money goes.

Next track that could use some final polishing is that "gift for everyone": 2+2=4 - whenever someone goes for a mastering reward, then he can get mentioned as a sponsor, or stay anonymous - whatever is preferred.

Bonus: get immediate access to the Encounters EP here on getnext.

Sponsorship - production budget

  • at least 100,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $108.60

I like hiring some pros and experts to work with me on my music. Like everyone, those people have rents and bills to pay, and that can't be done by today's streaming royalty peanuts.

If you have the possibilities to contribute financially, I'd appreciate it very much.

The money will be directly allocated to new production projects, and if you wish you can learn which track and which tasks the money is used for. I'm also happy to name you as a sponsor if that's what you want.

To give you an idea: I've worked with producers so far who charge around 500 EUR per song for production work and mixing.

Bonus: get immediate access to the Encounters EP here on getnext.

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