Meeting Of Styles


Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

Manuel Gerullis

Welfenstrasse 1b

65189 Wiesbaden


Telefon: 0611-703 98 338

Telefax: 0611-703 98 338


Umsatzsteuer: Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a

Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 210577593

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Manuel Gerullis

c/o S8Yard

Welfenstraße 1b

65189 Wiesbaden

Mind the Meeting

  • 5,00 € per month
  • approx. $5.46 per month

The Meeting of Styles lives of the support of the artists, the support of the scene, patreons of the art and surely the fans. With your contribution you help, to make this project happen. Thank you!

Master Mäzen

  • 10,00 € per month
  • approx. $10.92 per month

The Meeting of Styles lives of the support of the artists, the support of the scene, patreons of the art and surely the fans. With your contribution you help, to make this project happen. Thank you!

Supporting Souls

  • 30,00 € per month
  • approx. $32.75 per month

You have the means and power to contribute the max? We are thankful, grateful and highly appreciative your afford. You may be part of the getnext "Wall of Fame". May the the Style be with you! Meeting Of Styles, and immediately

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