Lightpainters United

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The Path Of Light (Full Epsiode 2)


The Path Of Light: A Documentary Series - Episode #2. This is the second of a series of light painting documentaries. Enjoy the full episode here. IWe are already working on the next and third epsiode. If you want to support the project, check our Rewards and the Single Reward. Support with as much as you like and can. We are independent and are grateful for all of your support. May the light be with you.

The Path Of Light: A Documentary Series - Episode # 2. Dies ist die zweite Teil der Doku Reihe über Lichtkunst. Hier seht Ihr die die ganze Folge. Wir arbeiten bereits an der nächsten und dritten Epsiode. Wenn Ihr das Projekt unterstützen wollt, schaut mal in unsere Rewards und den Single Reward. Unterstützt so wie Ihr könnt und möchtet. Wir sind unabhängig und dankbar für jede Unterstützung. Möge das Licht mit Euch sein!

Watch the full episode:

Film und Umsetzung: Movinapes Production

9/29/2019, 12:39 PM

The Path Of Light (Full Epsiode 1)


The Path Of Light: A Documentary Series - Episode #1. This is the first of a series of light painting documentaries. Enjoy the full episode here. If you want to support the project, check the Rewards. We are independent and are grateful for your support. May the light be with you.

The Path Of Light: Eine Dokumentarfilmserie - Episode # 1. Dies ist der erste Teil einer Reihe von Dokumentationen über light painting. Gönnt Euch die komplette Epsiode. Wenn Ihr das Projekt unterstützen wollt, schaut mal in unsere Rewards. Wir sind unabhängig und dankbar für Ihre Unterstützung. Möge das Licht mit Euch sein.

Watch the full episode:

Film und Umsetzung: Movinapes Production

Bonus Drone footage by Phill Fisher. This guy is multi talented, Lightpainter, translator, pilot.

9/29/2019, 12:24 PM

Spinning Sparklers

04/2015 My first experiment with a sparkler.

I´m born under the sign of the Lion, maybe thats the reason, why I love to play with fire. As a child I already was a firestarter and my parents didn´t where always lucky with that. :-P So in fact, I remember some experiment with sparklers as teenager, but if U want to know more about it, you better ask me in privat. ;-)

For this picture I used some of these sparklers. It´s the same setup as the "Firevase" Picture. It was still the spinnable sushiplate that raised my interest in spinning lights more and more and I started searching the houshold for any kind of lightsources and because the backlit from my bycicle has a strip to fasten it on the bike, I used this one as red light source in this picture, too. 


Lightpainting Artwork created in total darkness by Mafu Fuma, Member of Aurora Movement

Single exposure Light Art Photography / nolayers /notricks

Camera: Pentax K-3

Lens: Pentax DA 10-17mm @14mm

Exposure: 8 Seconds

Aperture: F16

ISO: 100

11/20/2018, 11:53 AM

Fire Vase

Because of the Love to a woman a had my first contact with lightpainting in 2004. 10 years later 2014, I made my second contact. This time it was initiated from the love to my new born child. During the Day I made some lovely pictures from him and during the night I started to do some experiments with fire again. 

For this picture I used 12 teacandlelights, a candlestand plus a spinable sushiplate. I placed the stand with the candles on the plate, lit the candles up and started to rotate it carefully. With the camera on bulb mode I uncovered the lens just for one round and the result blew me away. My first artwork created with fire!


Lightpainting Artwork created in total darkness by Mafu Fuma, Member of Aurora Movement 

Single exposure Light Art Photography / nolayers /notricks

Camera: Pentax K-3

Lens: Pentax DA 18-135mm @30mm

Exposure: 8 Seconds

Aperture: F14

ISO: 100

11/20/2018, 11:49 AM

Little Light

  • 3,00 € per month
  • approx. $3.25 per month

Light Painting, mit Licht zu malen ist eine Kunst und Kunst bedeutet mir Liebe, Leidenschaft und Leben. Ich möchte diese Liebe nicht mit Werbung finanzieren, wir zahlen Projekte aus eigener Tasche und wollen unsere Kunst frei zugänglich machen. Mit diesem Reward hilfst Du uns unabhängig zu bleiben. Wir danken Dir herzlich. Möge das Licht mit Dir sein. 

Painting with light is an art and art means love, passion and life to me. I don´t want to finance this love with advertising, we pay for projects out of our own pockets and want to make our art freely accessible. With this reward you help us, to stay independent. Thanks so much for your support. May the light be with you.

Love of Light

  • 10,00 € per month
  • approx. $10.84 per month

Für Light Painting braucht es Foto Equipment, speziele Lampen und Licht Werkzeuge. Wir entwerfen viele dieser Werkzeuge selbst. Mit diesem Reward hilfst Du uns diese weiter zu entwickeln. Wir danken für Deine Unterstützung. Möge das Licht mit Dir sein. 

For Light Painting photo equipment, special lamps and lighting tools are used. We design many of these tools ourselves. With this Reward, you help us to develop more of them. Thank you for your support. May the light be with you.

Life Light

  • at least 1,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $1.08

Light Painting, mit Licht zu malen ist eine Kunst und Kunst bedeutet mir Liebe, Leidenschaft und Leben. Ich möchte diese Liebe nicht mit Werbung finanzieren und wollen unsere Kunst frei zugänglich machen. Mit diesem Reward hilfst Du uns unabhängig zu bleiben. Du kannst ab 1 € so viel zahlen wie Du kannst und möchtest. Wir danken Dir herzlich. Möge das Licht mit Dir sein. 

Painting with light is an art and art means love, passion and life. I do not want to finance this love with advertising and want to make our art freely accessible. With this reward you help us to stay independent. You can pay from 1 € as much as you can and want. We thank you warmly. May the light be with you. Lightpainters United, and immediately

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