
OPEN CALL // Plan one of our Music Pool Community Events //

We want to open up our Music Pool Berlin community evening platform for you to co-create, not only to participate as guests and listeners. Is there a topic that you would like to discuss with peers? Are there any persons you would love to hear speak? A particular venue where you would like to meet up and exchange? Or, maybe you want to suggest a different format outside of the classical panel conversation.

We will provide a budget to pay for your guests and for your curatorial work, as well as rental and tech fees for the venue, and will also be available to consult and support our curatorial experience if you like. You can also apply if this is your first time curating something.

Through expanding our programming involving guest curators, we would like to add more and different perspectives on making music professionally in Berlin, as well as make the program more relevant for the various music communities in the city.

To apply, get in touch with a brief email, sketching your idea and your motivation and background to your curatorial idea at until 17 February 2025.

Please don't submit full concept notes; we can figure all that out along the way if we like your proposal.

The last three guest-curated Music Pool conversations:

guest curator: Susanna Pavlidis - What if the music stopped - November 2023

guest curator: Hexorcismos – How does generative AI impact creator economies in music?- Juni 2023, re:publica

guest curator: Folly Ghost – Nightlife and safer spaces: What does safety mean in the new emerging event formats? - December 2020

2/3/2025, 4:30 PM

18.02.2025 14 Uhr // Festivalsaison 2025 - wie komme ich als Newcomer ins Lineup der Festivals

1. Recherche: Wie finde ich die passenden Festivals / Showcase Festivals für mich

2. Vorbereitung:

- EPK (wie sieht ein professionelles u. geeignetes EPK aus)

- Formulieren der Email (ggf. im WS eine Email erstellen, fände ich klasse)

     1. Kontaktaufnahme: Erstkontaktaufnahme + Follow Up Strategien

     2. Welche Informationen brauche ich / welche Informationen sind für die Festivalbooker relevant

     3. Parameter klären:  Gage verhandeln / Technik u. Equipment / Hosting

     4. Der Vertrag: Worauf muss ich achten

     5. Wie nutze ich den / die bestätigten Slots für meine eigene Promo

     6. Emailvorbereitung

    7. Allgemeine Tipps & Tools

Coach: Katty Lange

1/31/2025, 4:00 PM

18.02.2025 7:30 pm // Artist Meetup @Badehaus

We kick off our series of community evenings for 2025 with an Artist Meetup! This time, you can look forward to the Badehaus stage, on RAW area in Friedrichshain.

The Music Pool Berlin Artist Meetup is a regular meeting place for musicians in Berlin, to meet and network across scenes and genres, exchange, and maybe find new collaborations and eventually also build solidary connections. Eight short concerts of usually a wide spectrum of sounds and music make up the stage program, and musicians can apply for one of the slots.

On stage, each musician or band has 10 minutes to play 2 songs or tracks live, with a basic setup. It also possible to show music videos or talk about a project. Please do use the stage also to mention what you are currently looking for (your future drummer may be in the audience) or ask for feedback. After the stage program, there will be space and time to talk and meet. To chat more about the presentations, to discuss potential collaborations, and to exchange ideas and contacts. And to move better together than alone. There will be ways also for those not performing on stage to present what you are looking for or offering. We look forward to another meetup of exchange - between scenes, different interests and experiences, and new joint pathways.

If you would like to apply for one of the concert/presentation slots, please email to, with a link to your music and some info on why you would like to present, by 3 February 2025.

The Artist Meetup is a good opportunity to see a great show on stage with music across different genres, to meet and get to know fellow artists across scenes, and find new collaborations.

Join us even if you´re not presenting and get your free ticket here.

Doors: 7:30 pm

Start: 8:00 pm

1/27/2025, 4:30 PM

11.02.2025 2 pm // Workshop Musicboard Application •• How to fund my project?

Do you have developed a musical project, and are ready to release it, but need financial support to release it?

This application workshop will focus on the Music Board Berlin's upcoming funding application for the release of musical projects of Berlin resident's musical artists.

The workshop will dig into all the details of the application form and will focus on what is important and required for the jury when they have to decide among hundreds of applications.

You are welcome to bring your own project sketches and draft proposals with you, to discuss and develop them further in the workshop.

Coach: Flemming Borby

1/24/2025, 4:00 PM

03.02.2025 2 pm // Workshop •• Sampling as a Creative Tool for Songwriters

Creating is hunting.

Hunting for sounds, hunting for beats, hunting for inspiration. This workshop is intended for songwriters and artists who wish to explore sampling as a creative tool. In the workshop Asaf Eden will share his unique workflow, developed in over 15 years of working with samples both live and in the studio. Following Marshall McLuhan´s saying that “the medium is the message” we will see how sampling offers an unconventional, often anti-establishment way of creating music that resonates with pioneering movements in modern art. We will “hunt” for samples together and create the foundation for our own sample library. This workshop combines theory and hands-on practice.

It is recommended that you bring a laptop and headphones.

For whom?

The workshop is intended for creative people who wish to explore another avenue of expression and familiarise themselves with sampling, conceptually and technically. There is no need to have experience with sampling or to own a sampler.

By who?

Asaf Eden is the songwriter and producer known as Ryskinder. For more than a decade of musical activity, he has been using live and studio samplers.


In two Parts:

03.02. start 2 pm

04.02. start 2 pm

1/23/2025, 4:30 PM


  • 2,00 € per month
  • approx. $2.08 per month

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