
What do you get as a monthly member of Waltari FunClub?

As a monthly subscriber you will get all kind of unreleased and exclusive material to enjoy:

  • Blogs from band members, for example

Torcha blog by Kärtsy - part 2

Sami's blog: Torcha already 30 years


  • Raw demos, rehearsal tracks and demos, such as

Monk Punk Demo songs

Torcha's raw demos

  • Video material, like

Waltari video story begins

  • Live versions, for instance

Waltari - Curiosity (Live from Vaasa 1991)

  • Never before released songs, Q&As, meetings, random fun...for real, all kind of content!

Meet & Greet 4.3.2022

Did you get fooled on April fools'?

New old song - unreleased material for our fans and friends!

Greetings from Mr. Lordi to Waltari fans and friends

Check out here the idea behind the whole FunClub and Kärtsy's video greetings: What is Waltari Funclub?

What is Waltari FunClub?

The club was founded originally back in the 90s and it was something our fans had wished for. The club organized meetings and had a member card. We even had Funzine-magazines! At some point we had around 1 500 members in the FunClub enjoying the great Waltari “atmosfear”. Due to the past big changes in the world, it is a good time to bring the FunClub back. It’s a place to meet other fans and interact with the band – kind of getting a backstage pass. The re-opened FunClub will offer lots of unreleased bonus materials throughout our journey and aims to offer some fun to your daily life. 


Was verbirgt sich hinter dem Waltari FunClub?

Der Club wurde ursprünglich in den 90er Jahren gegründet und war etwas, was sich unsere Fans gewünscht hatten. Der Club organisierte Treffen und hatte eine Mitgliedskarte. Wir hatten sogar ein eigenes Funzine-Magazin! Nach einiger Zeit hatten wir etwa 1.500 Mitglieder im FunClub, die die großartige Waltari "atmosfear" genossen. Aufgrund der großen Veränderungen in der Welt ist es aus unserer Sicht ein guter Zeitpunkt, den FunClub wieder ins Leben zu rufen. Es soll ein Ort sein, an dem man andere Fans treffen und mit der Band interagieren und - eine Art Backstage-Pass. Der wiedereröffnete FunClub wird viele unveröffentlichte Bonusmaterialien anbieten und soll euch ein wenig Spaß in euren Alltag bringen. 

Jariot's memories of making Torcha album

(In English below)

Jariotin muisteloita Torcha-ajasta


Päätimme lähteä Berliiniin treenaamaan seuraavaa levyä (Torchaa). Kärtsy ja minä lopetettiin hyvät päivätyöt. Nuoremmat, Sami ja Janne, olivat saaneet koulunsa päätökseen. Otettiin Helsingin treenikämpältämme kaikki soittokamamme laulukamoja myöten mukaan ja lähdettiin.

Meillä oli vahva usko, että jotain uutta Waltarin uraa edistävää löytyisi Berliinistä ja Saksasta.


Ja hyvin siinä kävi. Jo muutaman viikon ja muutamien klubikeikkojen jälkeen kaksi hyvänkokoista levy-yhtiötä oli valmiina tekemään kanssamme levytyssopimuksen. (Vuonna 1997 yritimme samaa New Yorkissa, mutta onnea ei ollut samassa määrin mukana.)


Olimme Berliinissä kolme kuukautta. Harjoittelimme Torcha-materiaalia kuusi tuntia päivässä, ja noin kerran viikossa soitimme jonkin klubi- tai baarikeikan. Luulen, että tuona aikana yhteissoittomme kehittyi valtavasti. Takaisin Suomeen saavuttuamme soitimme keikkoja täysissä klubeissa. Uutiset uudesta ulkomaisesta levy-yhtiöstä olivat saapuneet jo Suomeen.


Pian Suomeen palattuamme rupesimme äänittämään Torchaa. Se oli helppoa. Olimme Berliinissä harjoitelleet ja sovittaneet laulut valmiiksi.Odotukset levystä olivat kovat. Ja levy lunastikin ne. Mahtavia arvosteluja Keski-Euroopan musiikkilehdistössä, ja muistaakseni Suomessakin. Torchasta tuli ehkä Waltarin legendaarisin levy.




Jariot's memories of Torcha period

We decided to go to Berlin with a view to prepare the next album called Torcha. Kärtsy and I left our good day jobs. The younger ones, Sami and Janne, had just finished school. We picked up all our musical equipment, including vocal equipment, from our training location in Helsinki and set off. We had a strong belief that in Berlin and Germany something new could be found to promote Waltari's career.

And it did go well. After only a few weeks and a few club gigs, two pretty big record companies were ready to sign a recording contract with us. (In 1997 we tried the same thing in New York but didn't have as much luck there.) 

We were in Berlin for three months. We practiced Torcha material for six hours a day, and about once a week we played a club or bar gig. I think that during that time our playing together developed enormously. After returning to Finland, we played gigs in full clubs. The news about the new foreign record company had already arrived in Finland. 

Soon after returning to Finland, we started recording Torcha. It was easy. We had rehearsed and arranged the songs in Berlin. The expectations for the album were high, and the album did redeem them. There were great reviews in the Central European music press and, as I recall, also in Finland. Torcha became perhaps Waltari's most legendary album.


Did you know that we have special Torcha anniversary T-shirt for sale? Click on the link to see this and many other Waltari merchandise items!

exit_to_app Torcha Anniversary T-shirt
6/9/2023, 5:07 PM

Have FUN in WALTARI fun club!

  • 10,00 € per month
  • approx. $10.84 per month

Join in and have exclusive access to exclusive content, items and (interactive) experiences – such as unreleased music, "Behind The Scenes" videos, demo music, access to rehearsals, your private gig with Kärtsy and the gang… You just name it.

New material appears whenever necessary, but we'll make a promise:

For your weekend fun, we'll publish something new each Friday - so join the Fun club and have fun with Waltari!

Previusly Unreleased Torcha Midsummer Tour 93' Documentary

  • 10,00 € per month
  • approx. $10.84 per month

Hello dear fans and supporters!

To celebrate Torcha Anniversary and to treat you for the Midsummer season, we are now giving access to previously unreleased 45-minute video documentary of our Torcha Midsummer Tour in Finland. The year was - of course - 1993 and we were young and crazy! Some things never change and you can guess which one of these has prevailed. In this clip you will see authentic tour life and how people reacted to our music already back then. Please see the little snippet linked to this post to see how it was :D

This is part of our Torcha celebration and we sure hope to have same kind of atmosphere in the upcoming Classic Line Up Gigs in September - do you have your tickets already? There you will see the same guys as in this documentary, playing live again and playing Torcha album + some extras!

You can find all the details for this tour on our website

There's also some crazy crowd surfers at the end of this video. If you know who they are, have them send us email at waltari.official@gmail.com - we have something special for them!

Now - get your snacks and cold drinks ready, click buy reward, enter your email address - we'll send you the access link to the documentary! Alternatively you can join in as Fun Club member to view this documentary (and lot more) as a part of your membership.

Punk - SaleTote 1st rehearsals! Feb 1986

  • 1,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $1.08

Listen to the rehearsals from the early years with Sale and Tote.

Waltari Trio Q& A

  • 2,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $2.17

What was the beginning of Waltari? How did it start? What was their strangest gig? And how is Sale's mom related to all this?

Listen to the Q&A session 25.3.2022 and learn this and many more things.

The beginning of Waltari

  • 2,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $2.17

On Saturday 19.2.2022, Waltari had a live gig in Tallinn, Estonia, after a long COVID-19 break.

But how did it all start?

Buy access to the 10 whole minute video where Kärtsy tells about Waltari's first steps.

Or join the Fun Club to see more material.

Waltari's Carry the Torch European tour 1993

  • 5,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $5.42

We have published some of our home video material earlier in a DVD, but this time we will release all of the video material from our Torcha EU tour. So lot's of authentic, unfiltered and 100% Waltari content. 

All the content is immediately available here in FunClub!

Find the approximately 1,5h video from this post: Waltari's Carry the Torch European Tour (1993) pt 1

And half an hour more here: Waltari's Carry the Torch European Tour (1993) pt 2

Full trailer to the "movie" is available with this reward here: Trailer.

EXTRA TREAT: You can now access with this reward a sneakpeak to our monthly members content: Kärtsy's memories about Torcha's tour times

Torcha! demos

  • 15,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $16.26

Didn't get enough from the Torcha Original mixes or live versions? Here we offer an access to listen the demo versions of our breakthrough album Torcha. Here we have for you 15 songs such as Lights On or Ride On (Till the Music Nation).

Unfortunately this time we don't have this available as a CD to order:(

But get your access to the demos right away from here: TORCHA DEMOS !

Torcha Original Mixes Unmastered album is available now

  • at least 15,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $16.26

From MonkPunk to Torcha - the breakthrough album!

Now you can get the Torcha original, unmastered set mixed as a zip file to your email or as an actual CD with Kärtsy's autograph by mail.

This version includes 16 songs like Death Party, Waltari Lapio, Jukolauta and many others. Buy it now online for 15 euros!

Give us your email address, and we will send you the zip file in a couple of days.

If you want to get the actual CD with cover and at least Kärtsy's autograph, please, pay 20 euros and give us your address and the CD will come to your mailbox one of these days.

Monk Punk Demos 1987-1991

  • at least 15,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $16.26

Again, you can get back in time with us and Monk Punk album. This version includes 20 songs like Hevosen kuva (Picture of a Horse and you surely know the history and background to this song, don't you?), Curiosity, F.U.C.K. rap and many others. Buy it now online!

Give us your email address, and we will send you the files in a couple of days.

Suppose you want the actual CD with cover and at least Kärtsy's autograph. Pay 20 euros and give us your address so a pleasant surprise will arrive in the post.

Early Vinyl EP

  • at least 15,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $16.26

This album includes 20 songs from the Early Vinyl EP, including Pale Leipaa, F*CK rap, Shout etc. Buy it now online!

Give us your email address, and we will send you the files in a couple of days to your email.

Or want the actual CD with cover and at least Kärtsy's autograph. Pay 20 euros and give us your address so a pleasant surprise will arrive in the post.

Unreleased album Waltari Demos 1986-1987

  • at least 15,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $16.26

This album includes 25 demo songs from the very first years of Waltari. Buy it now online!

Give us your email address and we will send you the files in couple of days to your email

Or want to get the real CD with cover and Kärtsy's autograph. Pay 20 euros and give us your address, so a nice surprise will arrive in post.

Autographed record

  • 15,00 € (one-time only)
  • approx. $16.26
18 available

Buy here a random Waltari record from Kärtsy's own collection. With autographs, naturally!

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